Continued learning is very important to me and an essential part of keeping relevant and up to date with modern dog training and behaviour practices so that I can benefit my clients.
Ongoing Courses
School of Canine Science - Puppy Lab
School of Canine Science – Behaviour Bible
Canine Principles - Canine Health and Nutrition
Canine Principles - Canine Reactive Behaviour
2017 Courses, Workshops, Seminars
Mantrailing International - Andreas Ebert Seminar
Craig Ogilvie - Interactive Play Workshop
Mantrailing International - Chantal Laube Seminar
Kamal Fernandez - Reactivity; Dispelling The Myths, Empowering The Dog
2018 Courses, Workshops, Seminars
Mantrailing International Andreas Ebert Seminar
Jane Ardern Stop, Come, Click! Predatory Drive Workshop
SIRIUS Dog Trainer Academy
2019 Courses, Workshops, Seminars
PACT Update on Resource Guarding
Scentwork UK - Instructor Levels 1 to 5
Kay Attwood Fun to Focus
Kay Attwood Cognitive Skills
Kamal Fernandez - Adolescent Dogs
UK Sniffer Dogs - Bronze Instructor
UK College of Scent Detection Conference
Canine Hoopers UK - Level 1 Instructor
Jeff Schettler Mantrailing Seminar
APDT Advanced Trainer Course
2020 Courses, Workshops, Seminars
From the Hound Up ACE Freework Course
2024 Courses, Workshops, Seminars
Trever Cooper Dog Law Seminar